Bild von Miguel Á. Padriñán auf Pixabay
Menschen sorgen sich vor allem um Klima, Kriege und Gesundheit
Welche Themen werden die Menschen in Zukunft am stärksten beschäftigen? Mehr als 40.000 Menschen aus 186 Ländern gaben den Vereinten Nationen eine Antwort darauf.
weiterlesen https://www.zeit.de/…
UN: Public support for international cooperation surges amid global upheaval
Data from 186 countries indicates overwhelming public support for international cooperation – with a significant increase since COVID-19 began spreading around the world. Collected through hundreds of conversations and an online survey, the data is part of the United Nations’ 75th anniversary initiative (UN75). Launched in January 2020, UN75 is the largest exercise mounted by the Organization to gather public opinion and crowdsource solutions to global challenges.
continue reading https://www.un.org/en/un75/news-events
UN Survey
The United Nations is marking its 75th anniversary at a time of great challenge, including the worst global health crisis in its history. Will it bring the world closer together? Or will it lead to greater divides and mistrust? Your views can make a difference.
take the survey https://un75.online/
Join the UN75 conversation at: http://www.un.org/UN75
Mehr zu den Themen unter den Schlagwörtern:</strong